It is my absolute pleasure to announce the official release of my first full-length album entitled, "The Owl & The Elephant".
The album was recorded and mixed on off hours at The Barber Shop Studios in Hopatcong, NJ. The entire process took about 2 weeks, but due to limited (but very much appreciated) studio access, that 2 weeks took nearly a year. I must say though, in the course of that year, these songs never once became old or stale for me. I am as motivated and passionate about this collection of stories as I was the day we began tracking Mr. Bones' eloquent drum tracks.
I worked side by side with Mr. Mike Ferretti for the duration of the album's production. Mike is an incredibly gifted Producer/Engineer/Mixer whose talent is limitless. Not for a moment did we disagree on what was right. For the most part, my original arrangements are intact on the recordings. Mike though, knew exactly where to place every element and sound in a way that, to me, gives every instrument on each song a distinctly playful and important character. There are many ways this album could have sounded, and in the end, I believe Mike and I agree, it sounds exactly as it should.
The album itself is intended to be listened to in it's entirety the first time. After that, I imagine and hope that everyone will have their favorite songs, but It is assembled in a way that should make sense to most who listen. One might think of it as a book with two major sections and an epilogue.
Section I: Tracks 1-6
Section II: 7 - 9
Epilogue: 10
I could ramble on about what these stories mean to me and how grateful I am to all of the people who graciously lent they're time, talent, and resources, but I'd rather have you hear that passion and appreciation through the songs themselves.
Now, the task of delivering my work to the masses. Oh, the fun we'll have.
You may now purchase the album as digital downloads or physical CD at the links below.
Thank you always for reading my ramblings
Sooner Sinners,
CD & Merchandise