Propaganda in the jungle

I have no interest in politicians or their intentions. I have no illusions about the American government or the pigs who partake of it's vile slop. That's what pigs do. They stuff themselves for the slaughter. I am not progressive, conservative or any other -ive or -ist, but I don't mind if someone calls me one or the other. These categories and their definitions are irrelevant because they are imaginary, like most things we beautiful creatures indulge in to make us feel organized and powerful.

I've been reading all this health-care reform jargon, and frankly it strikes me as rather hysterical. The most entertaining aspect is that some of the citizens of this country are surprised and outraged. What did we expect would spawn from the blind leading the blind? Some sort of beautiful, peaceful utopia where all people are happy and the the government is self sustaining? One has only to briefly research the history of government over the ages to understand a society of that nature is unachievable. Our species is incapable of long term fundamental peace and/or happiness, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

We are hairless, delusional apes hanging upside down by our tails from the tree of knowledge. We give orders and argue about gods, constitutions, monsters, and morals. Silver backs replaced by old money, silly symbols, and ivy league degrees.

And now, in our spectacular nation, there is a stirring. Suddenly...wait a moment...this doesn't seem...fair. How could the government possibly mandate something? How could they tell us what to do with our bodies?

Oh dear, they've been doing it all along. There are just simply enough angry monkeys now to cause a riot in the jungle.

There is no party friends but the one we throw when it's all ash and chaos.

Dream. Well.


Man Meet Compass

Last evening, I had the pleasure of overhearing a ridiculous man say ridiculous things. Yes, this happens frequently, but this particular monologue warrants a nod from my fingertips.

It must first be said that the jabbering man was in fact doing his best to lure a member of the female species back to whatever place such a man inhabits. I imagine unread coffee table books and Ikea furniture.

The man was telling a story about his in-car navigation system. A few nights earlier he had been headed in one direction and the navigation device implied that he should make a U-turn. He followed instructions, drove a bit in the opposite direction, and was told by the device to make another U-turn. Retracing steps. Fair enough. I assumed the story would end there with a safe but slightly delayed arrival. It did not.

The man continued. He traveled in the direction he was originally headed and looked carefully for the elusive right turn. After a mile or so, the device once again told him he should turn around. He followed instructions. Another U-turn. He followed instructions. Another. He followed. At that point in telling the story the man said something like; "this damn thing had me driving in circles".

No sir. You allowed yourself to become so lazy and dependent on this flawed technology that your sense of reason became frustrated and abandoned you. You traded in your inner compass for a palm sized contraption made of metal and plastic. I must thank you for exponentially decreasing the market value of human instinct.

I imagine that this man will one day be surprised to learn that he's developed a brain tumor from constantly wearing one of those silly blue-tooth ear pieces. By constantly I don't mean while driving or doing something that requires a 'hands free' phone call. I mean he more than likely keeps it in his ear at the dinner table and at the movie theatre.

I take my hat off at the dinner table. Take that ridiculous thing out of your ear. There are no important calls coming. I promise you.

I digress.

In short, the man realized he had entered the wrong street name for his destination, the woman did not leave with him, and I've got first claim on his clothes when I find him wandering in a post-apocalyptic forest somewhere, praying for his battery dead navigation device to suddenly power up and guide him home. At least if he's on a call he'll have his hands free to undress.

Let's just hope I'm not hungry.


Today was the first truly frigid day of winter I believe.  The lake I smoke near is working it’s way toward frozen.

A single gull floats.  I suppose like me, it enjoys the cold as much as the view.

Amaretto Tobacco.  A fine recommendation indeed.

The Owl & The Elephant

I thought I might use my first blog to write of my upcoming full length album.  I intend to ‘release’ it in Spring of 2010.

It will be a collection of ten stories called ‘The Owl & The Elephant”.  Two of said stories were part of my first EP, Red Room Vol. 1

In creating this collection, I challenged myself to navigate the rules of my little world and translate accordingly.  I made my way through cobwebs and over ancient bones.  I waded through muck and confronted demons, past and future.  Do not misunderstand though, this process has been no labor of any kind.  It has been the will of the molecules and the madness.
Currently, the incredibly talented Mike Ferretti is mixing the record.  I am always present, but having co-produced from the start, Mike  has an uncanny understanding of what ‘it’ is.  ‘It’ can be defined in so many ways I suppose.   First and foremost, yours truly.

