I've been reading all this health-care reform jargon, and frankly it strikes me as rather hysterical. The most entertaining aspect is that some of the citizens of this country are surprised and outraged. What did we expect would spawn from the blind leading the blind? Some sort of beautiful, peaceful utopia where all people are happy and the the government is self sustaining? One has only to briefly research the history of government over the ages to understand a society of that nature is unachievable. Our species is incapable of long term fundamental peace and/or happiness, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
We are hairless, delusional apes hanging upside down by our tails from the tree of knowledge. We give orders and argue about gods, constitutions, monsters, and morals. Silver backs replaced by old money, silly symbols, and ivy league degrees.
And now, in our spectacular nation, there is a stirring. Suddenly...wait a moment...this doesn't seem...fair. How could the government possibly mandate something? How could they tell us what to do with our bodies?
Oh dear, they've been doing it all along. There are just simply enough angry monkeys now to cause a riot in the jungle.
There is no party friends but the one we throw when it's all ash and chaos.
Dream. Well.